Frequently Asked Questions
Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport, Wales

What’s the difference between a 3D and a 4D scan?

A 3D scan is a still three dimensional image of your baby in the womb, and a 4D scan is a 3D image in motion (time between each image). This motion differentiates between a 3D and a 4D scan. Your scan will have both kinds of images. 3D images and / or video will be uploaded to the client area of our website if they are included within your package for you to download and keep for as long as you like.

Do you offer a complimentary rescan if baby is not laying in a good position?

We always try our hardest at every scan to get the best images for you.  As you can imagine certain things are out of our control but we will work with you to try and get baby moving around.  If we are unable to see any of babys face during your scan we will offer one complimentary rescan to try and get some better images for you.

Do you offer a complimentary rescan if you can’t see my babys gender?

If we are unable to see your babys gender during your scan and baby measures between 16-24 weeks (as stated in our guidelines), then we will offer a complimentary rescan to determine your babys gender.

What happens if I am late for my appointment?

We advise everyone when booking your appointment that you should arrive 10 minutes early.  This ensures that your appointment is not cut short and allows everyone elses appointments to also run on time.  If you are late, your appointment will be cut short and this will reduce your experience which we really would not like to do for such a precious moment.  Depending on circumstances and at our discretion, we may offer another appointment time. There may be a 50% charge as this will be classed as a missed appointment. (This is at the managements discretion).

When is the best time to have a 3D/4D scan?

A 4D scan can be done at anytime in your pregnancy. For the best results we advise having your scan done between 26 and 30 weeks, though scans outside of this range can still give fantastic results.

Does an ultrasound hurt or harm your baby?

Ultrasound technology has been researched extensively in hundreds of clinical studies since its inception (over 30 years ago) and no results have shown that ultrasound causes any harm to either mother or baby. To allow you to make an informed decision we have included some links from the British Medical Ultrasound Society which cover this off in more detail.

Click here to read about Obstetric Ultrasound Guidance and safety information

Click here to ready about Ultrasound

Click here to read what you should expect from an Ultrasound scan.

Will my scan detect any abnormalities?

At our scans we only perform the health checks listed on the choose package page under the package description.

Health Checks Included
– Check for single/multiple pregnancy
– Hear / See your baby’s heartbeat (depending on gestation)
– Check Measurements
– Position of baby & placenta (depending on gestation)
– Estimated Due Date

We do offer Non Invasive Prenatal testing which can check for many more illnesses click here to find out more

All mothers should attend their routine hospital scan(s). If a problem is detected by one of our sonographers, they do have a duty of care to discuss their findings with you in a sensitive manner. If necessary, and with your permission, they may contact your midwife or doctor so that a medical follow up can be made.

What guidance and safety procedures do you follow?

British Medical Ultrasound Society – Safety statements

Health protection Agency – Ultrasound report

ALARA – ‘as low as reasonably achievable’ applies to duration of ultrasound scan

Health and Social Care Act 2008

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Can anyone book an ultrasound scan?

Yes, we will only see people over 18 years of age. 4D/HD ultrasound is a non-medical form of imaging which does not need to be requested by a doctor or midwife and it is purely for your enjoyment.

What cleaning products are used at the premises?

We use Clinell Universal wipes in our scanning suite and in the waiting room we use Dettol Antibacterial Surface Spray along with Clinell Universal Wipes.

Clinell Data Sheet found here – Universal-Wipes-SDS.pdf – Dettol Home Page found here –  Dettol

What if I don’t wish to know the gender of my baby?

If you don’t want to know the sex of your baby then please tell us, the ultrasound scanner will base the majority of your scan around the facial features to try and prevent any clues being seen on the scan. We can not give any guarantees that baby won’t move and may show areas of the body that may suggest one sex or another.

Do I still need to have my NHS appointments?

Yes definitely. Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport provide health and well being scans and bonding scans.

Health Checks Included
– Check for single/multiple pregnancy
– Hear / See your baby’s heartbeat (depending on gestation)
– Check Measurements
– Position of baby & placenta (depending on gestation)
– Estimated Due Date

Our service is to try and provide the information listed above and also a fun experience for you and your family to bond with baby or babies rather than just a clinical check up.

AI Images from 26 weeks?

ai images are created from the scan pictures taken at your appointment. As these are not full photos the ai will give its best prediction of what it thinks baby may look like. Parts of the image may be covered with an item of clothing where no data was present. No Refunds are available for this service.