Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport – Terms and Conditions

This contract is between WJA Clinical Ltd trading as Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport or, and Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport (The Company, we, We) and the customer (You, you) and shall be governed by the following Terms and Conditions of sale, none of which affect your statutory rights:

  1. The Services. We provide diagnostic health scans of your baby. All of our scans are completed by trained and registered medical professionals specialising in fetal ultrasound. Our sonographer is a trained clinical scientist who has trained and qualified at the NHS (in this circumstance referred to as a sonographer). With your consent, we will carry out a fetal ultrasound scan of your baby. The primary purpose of the scan is to check the health and well-being of the fetus. Your scan will check for single or multiple pregnancy, allow you to see / hear your baby’s heartbeat(depending on gestation), check measurements are where you would expect them to be at your stage of pregnancy, position of baby and placenta & estimated due date.  There are many factors that are out of our control and could prevent us from obtaining this information e.g. position of baby, gestation and many more.  If your sonographer believes that there is any area of your baby’s development that needs to be brought to your attention they will discuss their findings openly with you. In these circumstances we will refer you to your NHS care provider. We will print a report that you can then share with your NHS care provider. It is your responsibility to ensure that you then consult with your NHS care provider.
  2. We want to provide the best service that we can but we will not always be able to provide the information listed on your package.  There are many factors that will prevent us from getting the information and these factors cannot be controlled ie BMI, baby position and more.
  3. During our gender scans we may not get a clear view of the baby / babies gender.  We only perform gender scans from 16 weeks and onwards.  Measurements will be taken at your scan and if these do not match up with what you have told us we may not offer another chance to find out the gender for free.  The accuracy may vary for each scan we perform and we give no guarantee that gender we tell you is 100% accurate.  The accuracy of the gender improves week by week after baby is 16 weeks.  Although our sonographer is trained in this area, the information we provide is only to be used as a guide.
  4. Our Health and Well being scans are for ladies that are at 7 weeks or later in their pregnancy.  If you book before this time the quality of images will be greatly reduced and you would normally need a transvaginal ultrasound which we do not offer.  We do not offer free re-scans with our Health and Well being package under any circumstances.
  5. Multiple Pregnancy – It is a great reward to have a multiple pregnancy.  This cannot normally be identified with an external ultrasound until roughly 8-9 weeks or later (many factors control the quality of the scan eg BMI, which will change this timescale with every pregnancy in different people).  We cannot be held responsible if one or more babies are hiding during the scan and you find out at a later scan that you are having more babies that could not be seen earlier on.
  6. Booking timescales – On every package we list the timescale in which we will perform the scan e.g Gender Scan 16-24 weeks. If you book outside of this timescale, then we will not offer an additional scan at a reduced rate or free if the results are not what are normally expected (see point 3 and point 7). We may also cancel your booking without a refund.
  7. We aim to make every family feel that they have had a chance to grow their bond with their unborn child / children and provide the best images and or video. There are occasions when we cannot achieve this and this is commonly caused by your baby / babies being in a position that prevents us from being able to see for example their face. It should be noted that refunds are not given due to payment being taken for our sonographer’s time.  We will however, offer one further appointment at a heavily reduced rate to try and rectify any problems (at our discretion we may offer this for free).
  8. Ultrasound technology was first used for medical purposes in 1956. Since its inception there have been no clinical trials that have been able to demonstrate that it is harmful to mother or baby.
  9. Our policy is to perform all scans within the recommended timescale of 60 minutes. This is in line with the recommendation given by BMUS (British Medical Ultrasound Society) and supported by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
  10. BMUS states in its guidelines that all ultrasound scans should only be used for medical reasons. We believe that by performing the health checks listed in point 1 and on the choose package page fulfils this for you and also gives you the opportunity of bonding with baby / babies given during this process.  We believe that this also provides mental well-being.
  11. Guidelines – BMUS recommends that no more than one Obstetric Ultrasound should be performed within 2 weeks (10 days) of each other. We support this guideline as this is to keep exposure for mother and baby to a minimum.
  12. Refunds – When making any booking we will keep 50% of your payment for any package booked as a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit. This is to cover any fees incurred and also to compensate Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport for not having time to fill your appointment slot. We require more than 48 hours’ notice to amend or cancel any appointment. If an appointment is cancelled with more than 48 hours’ notice then 50% of your payment will be refunded. If you give less than 48 hours’ notice to cancel your appointment then no refund will be given.  If we have to cancel your appointment we will give you as much notice as possible.  If we have closed for reasons that are out of our control e.g. severe weather or government guidance then we will only offer to rebook your appointment and not a refund.
  13. Complaints – If for any reason you are not happy with the service provided during your appointment, we would hope that you could bring it to our attention before you leave your appointment.  If this is not suitable then we would need to be notified by phone or in writing immediately. We aim to deal with all complaints within 72 hours of being notified. Please use the contact details at the bottom of this document to contact us.
  14. Before you arrive for your appointment – Please bring a copy of your antenatal records to your appointment. We use your notes to assess if you are an ideal candidate for an ultrasound. We look to see if you are a low risk and you will be asked if you have any history of lower abdominal pain or bleeding. If there has been ANY issues with your pregnancy please contact your GP, midwife or attend the nearest A&E department.
  15. Appointment Time – Due to being a very busy service we expect everyone to arrive at least 10 minutes early for their appointment.  We understand that this is not always possible but if there are appointments immediately following yours and you are late, then your appointment may have to be cut short.  If on the day we can help you by moving the appointment to a later time we will do this for free.
  16. The total length of the appointment time will vary from 15 – 45 minutes depending on which package you choose. The time selected during booking is to allow time for the baby scan, prints and time for mum to walk around (to help baby position). The actual time we scan for will vary and we will maximise the time we have based on the recommended guidelines set out by BMUS (This is for the safety of mum and babies).  Due to potential customers waiting we can not extend these times.
  17. When you attend our scanning suite we would ask that any children are accompanied by a separate adult so that time is not lost during the scan trying to look after them.
  18. Abnormalities – Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport do not look for ectopic pregnancy during any scan. Should Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport notice something unusual they will refer you to your doctor, midwife or early pregnancy unit at the hospital, for investigation. We only perform the health checks listed on the choose package page for each package listed.
  19. Payments – We accept debit and credit card payments via Stripe. We DO NOT accept cash or cheques.  We will only confirm your booking once your payment has cleared.
  20. When you make your booking you accept full responsibility for payment.  If your booking name and Stripe account names are different, then ticking the box and accepting these booking terms and conditions during the booking process confirms that you have had full permission by the person that owns the debit / credit card to make this booking.  If someone else pays for the appointment (ie Husband or partner / family member) and raises a dispute before or after the appointment has taken place (known as family fraud) then we will see this as a criminal act, add a minimum of £20 to the money owed initially and will pass your debt to a bailiff who may add significantly more to the debt and involve the police to deal with the fraud that has taken place.  We will also involve a solicitor to reclaim any value of funds via a small claims court.  Any additional costs will be added to the debt for you to pay.
  21. Recommended times during pregnancy for optimal bonding to take place – 22 to 30 weeks is usually the best time to perform your 3D & 4D scan to give the best experience for bonding with your baby. We will scan up to 34 weeks if you feel that this is what you prefer. If you are pregnant with twins then the recommended time would be as near to 25 weeks as possible. This is because two babies take up more space and will become harder to show them well enough to gain a good bonding experience. It is also not usually possible to show all babies in the same image area for multi birth pregnancies.
  22. If you package includes a scan video, your video will be uploaded to our online cloud storage.  This can take up to 72 working hours to become available after your appointment date.  We aim for this to done as soon as possible.  The video does NOT include sound, only video.  Your video will remain on our cloud storage for 30 days.  You must download your own copy during this time.  There are no other backups and once the time has run out we are not able to obtain another copy. If You are not satisfied with any aspect of our service, you must report this to us at the time.
  23. Image quality will vary on every scan. There are many factors that can change this and cannot be controlled by you or by us. A few things that can change the quality are: babys position – the amount of tissue (skin, muscle and fat) between the probe and the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid. Please see point 3 & 7 to remind yourself about our policy on quality and refunds.
  24. The approximate times given for your video are only estimates.  Many factors control how much video we will actually record at your scan.  Although we endeavour to get as near to the quoted times as possible this is something that we can NOT guarantee.
  25. The photographs, email and any video are to be used as a pictorial keepsake souvenir of the scan of your unborn baby and cannot be used for any type of medical or legal purpose but only for home entertainment.
  26. The Company offers You the ultrasound scan on the understanding that You are receiving the appropriate ante-natal care. Under no circumstances should we be a substitute for your NHS hospital ultrasound scans.
  27. Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport reserves the right to amend or cancel any appointment.  If we have to amend or cancel your appointment we will provide as much notice as we can and provide a refund where necessary.  Our first priority will be to rebook before cancellation.
  28. We do not store customer credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties. We do not store our customer’s financial details.
  29. General Data Protection Regulation – We have taken every precaution necessary to protect your data online and anything stored locally at our registered office. Our website is protected with an SSL certificate that provides 256 bit encryption. Our offline backups are stored in a secure location which is locked and only one person has access to this. We will only store information about you that is taken during your booking. This will be your name, address, telephone number and records of payments received (No Card information is passed to Precious Moments Baby Scans Newport). If we wish to share any of your information we will only do this once we get your signed authorisation of approval.  We DO NOT share, sell or provide your information to any third parties and have no intention of changing this in the future. To read our privacy and cookie policy click here. We would like to highlight that General Data Protection Regulation says that data must not be held for any longer than necessary.  We may retain a backup of your ultrasound scan for up to 9 months (usually 7 days) from the date of your scan.  This is so that you can contact us after the appointment and ask for any additional images that you may require.  Any videos taken will be deleted within 30 days of your appointment. We reserve the right to delete any data at any time.
  30. We retain Copyright of any images that we take; unless You specifically ask us not to in the notes section on the checkout page when booking. We may use your images on our website and on our Facebook accounts and any marketing that may be required (Your private details will never be shown on images if used). We will NEVER pass on your images to any other organisation.
  31. This contract is governed by the laws of England and Wales and forms the entire contract between The Company and You.
  32. Our contact details – email: phone: 07506 312253 our registered business address is: Unit 11, Newport Arcade, High Street, Newport, NP20 1GD, Wales
  33. Enforceability. If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these Conditions operates separately.